The Unaligned


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Esta es una baraja con 77 cartas de biblioteca y 12 cartas de cripta, listas para jugar o personalizar con otras cartas de Vampiro The Eternal Struggle . Cada jugador necesita un mazo para jugar. El lenguaje de este producto es ingles.

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The Unaligned (TU) is the nineteenth expansion of White Wolf’s trading card game Vampire: The Eternal Struggle, and the second PDF-only expansion, which was published on October 4, 2014. In 2021, The Unaligned went to print as part of Black Chantry’s Kickstarter campaign “VTES Unleashed“. The expansion’s theme are the five Independent  clans, that is Assamite, Followers of Set, Gangrel, Giovanni and Ravnos.


  • The PDF expansion consists of 72 cards, 25 library and 47 crypt cards.
  • The print expansion consists of 2 boxes with 90 cards each. Box 1 & 2 contain 51 crypt and 39 library cards each. The different crypt cards have 1-2 copies each, and the different library cards 1-4 copies each.


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